梦远书城 > 新青年 > 青年杂志第一卷第五号 | 上页 下页 |
英国少年团规律 |
李穆译 一团员须顾全体面设团员所云。质以己之名誉者。则应遵行其言。不啻极庄严之宣誓。 或团长向团员云。予信用汝克任此事。团员势必竭其能力。以图报命。并不可有丝毫他念系恋于心。 设团员不顾体面而说谎语。或未能遵命而行。彼应将徽章缴呈。不得再挂。并除藉不得为团员。 二凡团员应效忠于国王长官父母国家及主人。排万难以拥护之。无论何人。凡为上列诸人之仇敌。或加以恶言者。团员须力抗之。 三团员之义务。在效用于他人而扶助之。 无论何事当前。团员须尽其分内应尽之义务。甚至牺牲其自身之欢乐、愉快、安全。亦所不顾。有时两事同至。势难立决从违。处此地位。团员必当自省。孰为吾之义务。此即孰为最有益于人之事。而决行之。团员无论何时。常存一救死扶伤之念。并每日须尽力为人试行一二方便。 四团员应以朋友之谊待众人。以兄弟之情待他团员。其人之属于社会何种阶级非所问也。 设遇他团员。即绝不相识者。亦必与之接谈。且量力相助。代为服务。或推食食之。凡彼有所求。必竭能以应之。团员万不可有骄谄心。有骄谄心者。即嫌贫爱富之人也。团员逢人皆善视之。且为之尽力。 印度人称少年团曰“奇姆”。即“四海之内皆朋友”之意也。此种名称。乃团员皆应博得者。 五团员须知礼仪。无论何人。皆须接之以礼。于妇孺老弱残废之人。尤须格外致敬。且不可因扶助或恭敬他人而得报酬。 六团员应惠及动物。尽力救护蓄类。使免于痛苦。不可无故杀生。虽一蝇之微。亦天之生物。杀蓄类以充食。则不在此例。 七团员须服从命令对于父母巡长团长。均须服从无异词。 设团员受令。心中虽不愿。亦必如陆海军人之例。遵令行事。因遵令行事。乃其义务也。事毕之后。始可陈情抗辩。受令时必须立即遵行。军纪乃尔也。 八团员无论遭何境遇。均须浅笑微吟。一经受命。即应喜乐敏捷以从之。不得有迟疑乞怜情状。 团员不可见难生畏。亦不可互相抱怨。有时见逐。亦不得妄发誓言。 有时与操时相左。或有人故意误之。(团员不应出此。)或处烦闷境遇。团员必勉作笑容。自歌自咏。其庶几乎近之。 殊于危险之际。团员既乐且歌以行。此匪徒自娱乐。且可鼓舞他人。犯发誓或恶语者。罚以冷水一杯。由他团员倾入犯者袖内。此法乃三百年前英国斥堠队队长约翰司密士所拟。 九团员宜俭。能省一办尼。即须省下存储银行。以备缀业时。得以自给。不至遗累他人。或有余时亦可应他人之需。 十团员之思想、言语、行为。均须洁净。故对于蠢然无知之青年。言语不洁者。须鄙视之。而自身之言语思想行为。宜深加防范以免污染。少年团者。即光明磊落之丈夫也。 The Boy Scout Law. (1) A SCOUT'S HONOUR IS TO BE TRUSTED. If a Scout says "on my honour it is so, " that meansthatitisso,just as if he had taken a most solemn oath. Similarly, if a Scout officer says to a Scout,"Itrustyouonyour honour to do this,"the Scout is bound to carry out theordertothe very best of his ability, and to let nothinginterferewithhisdoing so. If a Scout were to break his honour by telling a lie,orbynotcarrying out an order exactly when trusted on his honour to do so,hemay be directed to hand over his Scout badge, andnevertowearitagain. He may also be directed to cease to be a Scout. (2)A SCOUT IS LOYAL TO THE KING, and to his officers, andtohisparents, his country, andhisemployers. Hemuststicktothemthrough thick and thin against anyone who is their enemy orwhoeventalks badly of them. (3) A SCOUT'S DUTY IS TO BE USEFUL AND TO HELP OTHERS. And he is to do his duty before anythingelse, eventhoughhegives up his own pleasure, or comfort, or safety to doit. Whenindifficulty to know which of two things to do, hemustaskhimself,"Which is my duty?" - that is, "Which is best for other people?" -anddo that one. He must Be Prepared at any time to save life, or tohelpinjured persons. And he must tryhisbesttodoagoodturntosomebody every day. (4) A SCOUT IS A FRLEND TO ALL,ANDABROTHERTOEVERYOTHERSCOUT, NO MATTER TO WHAT SOCIAL CLASS THE OTHER BELONGS. Thus, if a Scout meets another Scout, even thoughastrangertohim, he must speak to him, and help himinanywaythathe can,either to carry out the duty he is then doing, or by giving him food,or,as far as possible, anything that he may be in want of, Ascoutmust never be a SNOB. A snobisonewholooksdownuponanotherbecause he is poorer, or who is poor and resentsanotherbecauseheis rich. A Scout accepts the other man as he finds him, and makesthebest of him. "Kim,"the Boy Scout, was called by the Indians "Littlefriendofall the world,"and that is the name that every Scout shouldearnforhimself. (5) A SCOUT IS COURTEOUS: That is, heispolitetoall —butespecially to womenandchildren, andoldpeopleandinvalids,cripples, &. and he must not take anyrewardforbeinghelpfulorcourteous. (6) A SCOUT IS A FRIEND TO ANIMALS. He should save them as faraspossible from pain, and should not killany animal unnecessarily,evenif it is only a fly—for it is one ofGod'screatures. Killingananimal for food is allowable. (7) A SCOUT OBEYS ORDERSofhisparents, patrolleader, orScoutmaster without question. Even if he gets an order he does not like he must doassoldiersand sailors do, he must carry it out all the same becauseitishisduty, and after he has done it hecancomeandstateanyreasonsagainst it, but hemustcarryouttheorderatonce. Thatisdiscipline. (8) A SCOUT SMILES And WHISLES under all circumstances. Whenhe,gets an order he should obey it cheerily and readily, not in aslow,hang-dog sort of way. Scout never grouse at hardships, nor whineateachother, norswear when put out. When you just miss a train, or someone treadsonyourfavouritecorn—not that a Scout ought to have such thingascorns —orunderany annoying circumstances, you shouldforceyourselftosmileatonce, and then whistle a tune, and you will be all right. A Scout goes about with a smile on and whiltling.Itcheershimand cheers other people, especially in time of danger,forhekeepsit up then all the same. The punishment for swearing orusingbadlangugeisforeachoffence a mug of cold mater to be poured downtheoffender'ssleeveby the other Scout. It was the punishment invented by the oldBritishScout, Captain John Smith, three hundred yearsago. (9) A SCOUT IS THRIFTY, that is, he saves every penny he can,andputs it into the bank, so that he may have money to keep himsslfwhenout of work, and thus not make himself a burden to others, or thathemay have monny to give away to others when they need it. (10) A SCOUT IS PURE IN THOUGHT, WORD, ANDDEED, thatis, helooks down upon a silly youth who talks dirt,and he does not let himself give way to temptation, either to talk it, or to think, or to do anything dirty. A Scout is pure and clean-minded and manly. |
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