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  The Scientific Spirit in Modern Thought.

  英国赫胥黎。Huxley近代生物学大家也。生于一八二五年。卒于一八九五年。 所著天演论。 侯官严氏曾译为华言。 风行中土。斯篇乃钞自其所著“LaySermon”中之“On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge ”者也。刘叔雅识。

































  1. This time two hnndred years ago—inthebeginningof January,1666—those of our forefathers who inhabited this greatandancientcity[1.谓英京伦敦] took breath[2.生息.] between the shocks of twofearful calamities:one not quite past, although its fury had abated;the other to come.[3.The other to come=The other calamidy is to come.]

  2.Within a few yards of the very spot on which weare assembled,so the tradition runs, that painful and deadly malady, theplague,appeared in the latter months of 1664; and, though no new visitor [4.直译当作“虽非生客”意译作“虽非创见”]smote the peopleofEngland,and especially of her capital, with a violence unknownbefore, inthe course of the following year. The hand of a master [5.大家之手笔.] has pictured what happened in thosedismalmonths; andinthattruest of fictions, The History of the Plague Year,Defoe [ 6.DanielDefoe(1661?—1731)即著鲁宾生漂流记者也。] shows Death,[7. 此Death之用法在修辞学谓之 Personification. 拟之为人者也。 ] witheveryaccompaniment of pain and terror,stalking through the narrowstreetsof old London, and changing their busy hum [8.伦敦市中之喧声]into asilence broken only by the wailing of the mourners of fiftythousanddead; by the woful denunciations and mad prayers of fanatics;and bythe madder yells of despairing profligates.[9.此Profligates不作无赖解乃谓绝望之余而自暴自弃者也]

  3.But, about this time[1.指正月]in 1666, the deathrate had sunk tonearly its ordinary amount; a case of plague occurred only hereandthere,and the richer citizens who had flown from the pest had returnedto their dwellings.The remnant of the people began to toil at theaccustomedround[2.The accustomed round & c.如常.] ofdutyorofpleasure; andthe stream of city life bid fair[3.有望。]to flowbackalongitsold bed, with renewed and uninterrupted vigor.

  4.The newly kindled hope was deceitful. The greatplague indeed,returned no more; but what it had done for the Londoners, the greatfire, which broke out in the autumn of 1666, did for London; and,inSeptember of that year, a heap of ashes and the indestrucibleenergyof the people were all that remained of the glory of five sixths ofthe city within the walls [4.The city within the walls=London, 盖古代伦敦固有城垣也。]

  5.Our forefathers had their own ways of accounting for[5.解释。 说明。]each of thesecalamities. Theysubmittedtotheplagueinhumility and in penitence, for they believed it to be the judgment ofGod. Buttowards the fire they were furiously indignant, interpretingit as the effect af the malice of man, as the work of the Republicans,or of the Papists, according as their prepossessions raninfavor ofloyalty orofPuritanism. [ 6. Theirprepossessionsran……ofPuritanism. 彼等之偏见倾于忠君及清教徒主义。]

  6.It would, I fancy, have fared but ill [1.Have faredbutill —but=only, fared ill=happed ill. ] with one who,standing where Inowstand, in what was then a thickly peopled andfashionablepart ofLondon, should have broached to our ancestors the doctrinewhich Inow propound to you—that all theirhypotheseswerealikewrong;that the plague was no more, in their sense,Divinejudgment, thanthe fire was the work of any political, or ofanyreligious, sect;but that they were themselves the authors of both plagueandfire,and that they must look to themselves to prevent therecurrenceofcalamities, toall appearance [2.To. all appearance=由各方面观之]sopeculiary beyond the reach of human control—so evidently the resultof the wrath of God or of the craft and subtletyofanenemy[ 3.Enemy 谓共和党及旧教徒。]…

  7.Some twenty years before the outbreak of the plague, a few calmand thoughtful students banded themselves together for the purpose,asthey phrased it, of "improving naturalknowledge. "Theendstheyproposed to attain cannot be stated more clearly than in the words ofone of the founders of the organization: "Onr business was(precludingmatters of theology and state affairs) to discourse and considerofphilosophical enquiries, and such as related thereunto:—as Physick,[4. Physick, Staticks; Magneticks, etc当日之缀字法如是 ] Anatomy,Geometry, Astronomy, Navigation, Staticks, Magneticks, Chymicks,Mechanicks, and Natural Experiments; with the state of these studiesand their cultivation at home and abroad. We then discoursed ofthecirculation of the blood, the valves in the veins, the venae lactae,[5.Venoe lacteoe 乳糜管] the lymphaticvessels,theCopernican[ 7.Nikolaus Copernicus(1473—1543)波兰之天文学家首倡太阳居中地球绕行之说者] hypothesis, the nature of comets and new stars, the satellites ofJupiter, the oval shape (as it then appeared) of Saturn, the spots onthe sun and its turningonitsownaxis, theinequalitiesandselenography[8.Selenography. 月体学 descriplon ofthe moon,] of themoon, the several phases of Venus andMercury, theimprovementoftelescopes and grinding of glasses for that purpose, theweightofair, the possibility orimpossibilityofvacuitiesandnature'sabhorrence there of,[9.Mature's abhorrence thereof, —thereof当上文之Vacuities直译之作自然深恶真空,其义即天地间无处无物质也]theTorricellian[10.Enangelista Torricelli(1608—1647)意大利之物理学家以实验水银而发明晴雨表者] experiment in quicksilver,the descent of heavybodies and the degree of accelerationtherein, withdiversotherthings oflikenature, someofwhich werethenbut newdiscoveries, and others not sogenerallyknown and embracedasnowthey are; with other things appertaining to whathathbeencalledthe new Philosophy, which, from the times of Galileo[11.Galileo( 1564—1642)意大意之天文家] at Florence, and Sir Francis Bacon[12. FrancisBacon.(1561—1626)英之大哲学家](Lord Verulam)in England,hathbeenmuch cultivated in Italy, France,Germany, and other parts abroad, aswell as with us in England." The learned Dr. Wallis, writing in 1696, narrates, in these words, what happened half a century before, orabout 1645. The associates met at Oxford, in the rooms of Dr. Wilkins, who was destinedtobecomeabishop; andsubsequentlycomingtogether in London, they attracted the notice of the king ……

  8.Thus it was that the half-dozen young men, studious of the"NewPhilosophy," who met in one another's lodgings in Oxford or in London, in the middle of the seventeenth century, grew in numericalandinreal strength, until, in its latter part, the "Royal SocietyfortheImprovement of Natural Knowledge" had already become famous;andhadacquired a claim upon the veneration of Englishmen, which it haseversince retained, as the principal focus of scientific activityinourislands, and the chief champion of the cause it was formed to support.

  9.It was by the aid of the RoyalSocietythatNewtonpublishedhis Principia,. If all the books in the world except the PhilosophicalTransactions were destroyed, it is safe to saythatthefoundationsofphysicalsciencewouldremainunshaken, andthatthevastintellectual progress of the last twocenturieswouldbelargely,though incompletely, recorded. Nor have any signsofhaltingorofdecrepitude manifested themselvesinourowntimes. AsinDr.Wallis's days, so in these, "our business is, precluding theologyandstate affairs, to discourse and consider of Philosophical enquiries. "But our "Mathematick" is one which Newton would have to gotoschooltolearn; our"Staticks, Mechanicks, Chymicks, and NaturalExperiments" constitute a mass of Physical and chemical knowledge, aglimpse at which would compensate Galileo for the doingsofascoreof inquisitorial cardinals;[2.A glimpse atwhich……inquisitorialcardinalo.昔Goliles 倡地球公转说宗教裁判所捕之下狱备受酷虐今苟得一瞥科学之昌明足偿往日所受之苦也]our "Physick" and "Anatomy"haveembracedsuch infinite varieties of being, have laid open suchnewworldsintime and space, have grappled, not unsuccessfully, withsuchcomplexproblems, that the eyes of Vesalius[3.Andreas Vesalius (1514—1564) 和兰国人解剖学之始祖]and of Harvey [4.William Harvey(1578—1657)英之医学家发明血液循环者也]might be dazzled by the sight ofthe tree thathas grown out of their grain of mustard seed.

  10.We have learned that pestilences will only take up theirabodeamong those who have prepared unswept and ungarnishedresidencesforthem. Their cities must have narrow,unwatenedstreets, foulwithaccumulated garbage.[ 1. Garbage 本义为动物之脏腑此则作粪秽解] Theirhouses must be ill-drained, ill- lighted, ill- ventilated. Theirsubjects must be ill-washed, ill-fed, ill-clothed. The London of1665was such a city. The cities of the East, where plague has anenduringdwelling, are such cities. We, in later times, havelearnedsomewhatof Nature and partly obey her. Because of this partial improvementofour natural knowledge and of that fractional obedience, wehavenoplague; because thatknowledgeisstillveryimperfectandthatobedience yet incomplete, typhus isourcompanionandcholeraourvisitor. But it is not presumptuous to express the belief that, whenour knowledge is more complete and ourobediencetheexpressionofour knowledge,[2.Our obedience ……ourknowledge —Ourobediencetonature and the expression of our knowledgeismorecomplete之略也]London will count her centuries of freedom from typhus andcholera,as she now gratefully reckons her two hundred yearsofignoranceofthat plague which swooped upon her thrice in thefirsthalfoftheseventeenth century.

  11.Surely, there is nothing in theseexplanationswhichisnotfully borne out by the facts. Surely, the principles involved inthemare now admitted among the fixed beliefs of all thinking men. Surely,it is true that our countrymen are less subjecttofire, famine,pestilence, and all the evils which resultfromawantofcommandover and due anticipation of the courseofNature, thanwerethecountrymen of Milton;[3. JohnMilton( 1008—1674) 英之大诗人。 ] andhealth, wealth, and well being are more abundantwithusthanwiththem. But no less certainly is the difference due totheimprovementof our knowledge of Nature, and theextenttowhichthatimprovedknowledge has been incorporated with the household words of men, andhas supplied the springs of their daily actions.[4.Improvedknowledgehas been incorporated……their daily actions. 谓因科学进步而科学名词化为家常日用之语。科学遂为日常行为之原动力。]

  12.Granting for a moment, then, thetruthofthatwhichthedepreciators of natural knowledge are so fondofurging, thatitsimprovementcanonlyaddtotheresources of our materialcivilization; admitting it to be possible that thefoundersoftheRoyal Society themselves looked for nootherrewardthanthis. Icannot confess that I was quilty of exaggeration whenIhintedthatto him who had the gift ofdistinguishingbetweenprominenteventsand important events,[1.Prominent events and important events 前者谓大疫大火。后者谓用学术以利人生也。]the origin of acombinedeffortonthe part of mankind to improve naturalknowledgemighthaveloomedlarger than the plague and have outshone the glare of the Fire;asasomething fraughtwithawealthofbeneficencetomankind, incomparison with which the damage done bythoseghastlyevilswouldshrink into insignificance.

  13.It is very certain that, for every victim slain by the Plague,hundreds of mankind exist,[2.For every victim……mankind exist. 谓一人染疫而死医生由此所得之经验可以治愈多人也]andfindafairshareofhappiness in the world, by the aid of the spinningjenny.[ 3. Spinning-jenney,千七百六十七年JamesHargreave所发明纺绩机器。 ] AndtheGreat Fire, at its woist, could not have burned the supplyofcoal,the daily working of which, in the bowels of the earth, madepossibleby the steampump, gives rise to anamountofwealthtowhichthemillions lost in old London are but as an old song.[4.Are butasanold song不足道]

  14.But spinning-jenny and steam-pump are, afterall, buttoys,possessing anaccidentalvalue; andnaturalknowledgecreatesmultitudes of more subtle contrivances, the praises ofwhichdo nothappen to be sung becausetheyarenotdiroctlyconvertible iutoinstruments for creatiug wcalth.

  15.Icannotbutthinkthatthefoundationsofallnaturalknowledge were laid when the reason of man firstcamefacetofacewith the facts of Nature: whenthesavagefirstlearnedthatthefingers of one hand are fewer than those of both; that itisshorterto cross a stream than to head[1.to head 上溯其源而过]it;that astonestops where it is unless it be moved, and that it drops from thehandwhich iets it go; that light and heat come and go with the sun; thatsticks burn away in a fire; that plants andanimalsgrowanddie;that if he struck his fellow-savage a blow, he would make himangry,and perhaps get a blow in return; while if he offered him a fruit,hewonld please him, and perhaps receive a fish inexchange. Whenmenhad acquired this much knowledge, the outlines, rude though they were,of mathematics, of physics, of chemistry,ofbiology, ofmoral,economical and political science, were sketched. Nor did thegermofreligion fail when science began tobud. Listentowordswhich,though new, are yet three thousand years old.[2.此希腊诗人Hesiod之辞也所谓 though new 者以其为近人所译也]

  "When in heaven the stars about the noon Look beautiful, whenallthe winds are laid And every height comes out, andjuttingpeakAndvalley, and the immeasurable heavens Break open to their highest,andall the stars Shine, and the shepherd gladdens in his heart,"

  If the half-savage Greek could share our feelings thus far, itisirrational to doubt that he went further, to find,aswedo, thatupon that brief gladness[3.That brief gladness谓睹宇宙间森罗万众而心喜] there follows a certain sorrow,[4.A certain sorrow谓继思宇宙之玄妙非人智所能明而自伤智灵之不完全也] —thelittlelight of awakenedhuman intelligence shines so mere a spark amidst the abyssoftheunknown and unknownable; seems so insufficienttodomore thanilluminatethe imperfections that cannot be remedied, the aspirationsthat cannot berealized, ofman'sownnature. Butinthissadness, thisconsciousness of the limitation of man, this sense ofan open secret [ 5. Opensecret以目所能见之物而其秘奥又不可探求故谓之公然之秘密]which he cannot penetrate, lies the essenceof allreligion; andthe attempt to embody it in the forms furnished bytheintellect[ 6. To embody it in the forms &c.—it 指 the essence of allreligion. 义谓以科学方法组织而表现之也。]is the origin of the highertheologies.

  16.Thus it seems impossible to imagine butthatthfeoundationsof all knowledge, secular or or sacred,[1.Secular or sacred 俗与神圣即学术与宗教之义] werelaidwhenintelligencedawned, though thesuperstructure remained for long ages so slight and feebleastobecompatible with the existence of almost anygeneralviewrespectingthe mode of governance of the universe.[2.As to becompatible. ……ofthe universe.谓关于宇宙摄理但知一班而已。]

  No doubt, from the first, there were certain phenomena which, tothe rudest mind, [3.The rudest mind=The savage.]presented aconstancyof occurrcnce,[4.A constancyofoccurrence 谓同一原因必生同一之结果]and suggested that a fixed order ruled, at any rate, amongthem. Idoubt ifthegrossestoffetich- worshippers[ 5. Thegrossestoffetichworshipers 崇拜偶像中之最愚者,fetich 之义为 a materialthing,living or dead which is made the objectofsuperstitiousworship.]ever imagined that a stone must have a god within it to make it fall,or that a fruit had a god within it to makeittastesweet. Withregard to such matters asthese, isishardlyquestionablethatmankind from the first took trictly positive and scientific view.

  17.But, with respect to all the lessfamiliaroccurrenceswhichpresent themselves, unculturedman, nodoubt, hasalwaystakenhimself as the standard of comparison, as the centreandmeasureofthe world; nor could he well avoid doing so.Andfindingthathisapparently uncaused will has a powerful effect in giving rise tomanyoccurrence, he naturally enough ascribed other andgreatereventtoother and greater volitions, and came to lookupontheworld, allthat therein is, as the productofthevolitionsofpersonslikehimself, but stronger, and capable of being appeased orangered, ashe himself might be soothed or irritated. Through such conceptionsofthe plan and working of the universe all mankind have passed,orarepassing. And we may now consider whathasbeentheeffectoftheimprovement of natural knowledge on the views of men who havereachedthis stage, and who have begun to cultivate natural knowledge withnodesire but that of "increasing God's honor and bettering man's estate.[6. man's estate=man's condition.]"

  18. For example; what could seemwiser, fromamerematerialpoint of view, more innocent, from a theological one,toanancientpeople, than that theyshouldlearntheexactsuccessionoftheseasons, as warnings for their husbandmen;orthepositionofthestars, as guides to their rude navigators? But what has grownoutofthis search for natural knowledge of so merelyusefulacharacter?You all know the reply Astronomy,—which of allscienceshasfilledmen's minds with general ideas of a character mostforeigntotheirdaily experience, and has more than any other, rendered itimpossibiefor them to accept the beliefs of their fathers! Astronomy —, whichtells them that this so vast and seemingly solid earth is but anatomamong atoms, whirling, no man knows wither, throughillimitable space; which demonstrates that what we call the peacefulheavenaboveusis but that space, filledbyaninfinitelysubtlematterwhoseparticles are seething and surging, like the waves of anangrysea;which opens up to us infinite regions where nothing is known, oreverseems to have been known, but matter and force, operatingaccordingto rigid rules; which leads ustocontemplatephenomenatheeverynature of which demonstrates that they must have an end, but theverynatureofwhichalsoprovesthatthebeginningwas, to ourconceptionsoftime, infinitelyremote, andthattheendasimmeasurably distant.

  19. But it is not alone those who pursueastronomywhoaskforbread and receive ideas[2.Ask forbreadandreceiveidea, 此句引自Carlyle 所作 Burns 传者也原文作 "Ask for bread and receive a stone" 喻诗人为世所轻也今 Huxlay 更" a stone" 为"idea" 意义大不同矣] Whatmoreharmless than the attempt to lift and distribute water by pumping it;what more absolutely and grossly utilitarian? But outofpumpsgrewthe discussions about Nature'sabhorrenceofavacuum[ 3. Nature'sabhorrence of a vacuum解见前];and then it was discovered thatNaturedoes not abhor a vacuum, that the air hasweight; andthatnotionpavedtheforcewhichproducesweightiscoextensivewiththeuniverse,—in short,toihetheoryofuniversalgravitationandendless force [4.Universal gravitation and endless force. 重力之于宇宙无所不在故谓之普遍重力,力者绝不消灭故谓之无穷力也。 ] whilelearninghow to handle gases led to the discoveryofexygen, and to modernchemistry, and to the notion of the indestructibility of matter.

  20. Again, what simpler, or more obsolutely pracitcal,thantheattempt to keep the axle of a wheel from heating when the wheelturnsround very fast? How usefulforcartersandgig- driverstoknowsomething about this; and how good were it, ifanyingeniouspersonwould find out the causeofsuchphenomena, andthenceeduceageneral remedy for them! Such an ingcnious persen was CountRumford;and he and his successors have landed us [2.Landed us &c. 使吾人臻于何境,使吾人造诣至何程度。 ] inthetheoryofthepersistence, orindestructibility, of force. And in the in6nitely minute,asintheim6nitely, great, the seekers after natural knowledge,ofthekindscalled physical and chemical, have everywhere found adefiniteorderand succession of events which seem never to be infringed;

  21. And how has it fared with [3.How has it faredwith — it乃indefinite。fared=happend.] "Physick" and Anatomy? Have the anatomist. the physiologist, or the physician, whose business ithasbeentodevote themselves assiduously to that eminently practical and directend, the alleviation of the sufferings ofmankind, —havetheybeenable to confine their vision more absolutely to the sirictlyuseful?I fear they are worst offenders of all [4.Worst offenders of all. Hasdone mosttooverthrowoldestablishednotions. ] For if thestronomer has set before us the infinite magnitude of space,andthepractical eternity of the duration of the universe;ifthephysicaland chemical philosophers have demonstratedtheinfiniteminutenessof its constituent parts, and the practical eternity of matter andofforce; and ifbothhavealikeproclaimedtheuniversalityofadefinite and predicable order and succession of events. theworkersin biology have not only accepted allthese, buthaveaddedmorestartling theses of their own. For, astheastronomersdiscoverinthe earth no centre of the universe, but an eccentric speck, sothenaturalists find man to be no centreofthelivingworldbutoneamidst endless modifications of life; and as theastronomerobservesthe mark of practically endless time set upon the arrangements ofthesolar system, so the student of lifefindstherecordsofancientforms of existence peopling the world for ages, which, in relationtohuman experience, are infinite. Furthermore,thephysiologistfindslife to be as dependent for its manifestation on particularmoleculararrangements as any physical or chemical phenomenon; and, whereverheextends his researches, fixed order andunchanginycausationrevealthemselves, as plainly as in the rest of Nature……

  22. Such are a few of the new conceptions implanted inourmindsby the improvement of natural knowledge. Men have acquiredtheideasof thepracticallyinfiniteextentoftheuniverseandofitspractical eternity; they are familiar withtheconceptionthatourearth is but an infinitesimal fragment of that partoftheuniversewhich can be seen; and that, nevertheless, itsdurationis, ascompared with our standards of time, infinite. Theyhavefurtheracquired the idea that man is but one ofinnumerableformsoflifenow existing in the globe, and that thepresentexistencesarebutthe last of an immeasurable series of predecessors[1.Thelastofanimmeasursble series of predecessors.此predecessors 乃以前之existence之义,与present existence相对, 谓今之状态乃经以前无数状态始成之最后状态也。]Moreover, every step they havemadeinnaturalknowledgehastended to extendandrivetintheirmindstheconceptionofadefinite order of the universe—which is embodied in what are called,by an unhappy metaphor[ 2. unhappymetaphor. 此unhappy= ill- chosen,incorrect.]the laws of Nature—and to narrow the range and loosentheforce of men's belief in spontaneity, or in changesotherthansuchas arise out of that difinite order itself[3.Changes otherthan……difinite order itself.一定秩序所不生之变化即偶起之变化].

  23.Whether theseideasarewellorillfoundedisnotthequestion.Noonecandenythattheyexist, andhavebeentheinevitable outgrowth of the improvement of natural knowledge.Andifso,it cannot be doubted that they are changing the form of men'smostcherished and most important convictions.

  The end.

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