梦远书城 > 新青年 > 青年杂志第一卷第三号 | 上页 下页









































  Selected from The True Citizen.


  W.A.Markwick, D.D.





  Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.—Hogarth.

  Know something of everything and everythingofsomething. —LordBrougham.

  The difference between one boy and another liesnotsomuchintalent as in energy—Dr.Arnold.

  Work wields the weapons of power, wins the palm ofsuccess, andwears the orown of victory.—A.T.Pierson.

  A lazy man is of no more use than a dead man, and he takes up moreroom.—O.S.Marden.

  By industry we mean activity that is regular and devotedtothecarrying out of some purpose. More definitely, it isactivitythatisdesignedtobe useful to ourselves or to others. It is thus aregulated activity by which our welfare, or that ofothers,maybefurthered.

  We are apt to think,or at least tofeel, thatthenecessityof working regularly is a hardship. Because we get tired with our workand look forward with eagerness to the time of rest,weformtheopinionthatthe pleasantest life would be one which should be allrest.

  Industry might well be urged as a duty.Butwewould rathernow speak of it chiefly as an aid in accomplishing other duties. Fewthings are more helpful towardrightlivingthanindustry, andfewmore conducive to wrong living than idleness.

  Nodoubtthereareonthis subject opposing opinions.Somebelieve, whether they openly confess it or not, that theglory of thehighest success is not within the reach of every honest toiler; thatit is, like other legacies, the good fortune to whichsome are heirs,but which others are denied—the inheritance only of those whom naturehaswell endowed. These are the advocates of genius.

  The reader of "Ivanhoe"—that finest romance of Sir Walter Scott— pronounces its author a genius. The factisthatbookis aconspicuous illustration of industry —patient. perseveringtail.Ithasbeen pointedoutthat,"for years Scott had made himselffamiliarwiththe era of chivalry; plodded over, in imagination, thewearymarchofthe Crusaders;studiedthecharacteristicsandcontradictionsofthe Jewish character; searchod carefully into therecords ofthetimein which the scenes of his story were laid; andevenexamineddiligantly into the strange process whereby the Norman-French and the Anglo- Saxoon elements were wroughtintoacommontongue."

  Labor is indeed the price set upon everythingwhich is valuable.Nothing can be accomplished without it. The greatest of men have risento distinction by unwearied industry and patient application.Theymayhave had inborn genius; their natures may have been quick and active;but they could not avoid the necessity of persevering labor.

  Labor is the great schoolmaster of the race. It is the grand drillin life's army,without which we are confused and powerless when calledinto action.What ateacherindustryis! Itteachespatience,perseverance, forbearance, and application. Itteachesmethodandsystem, by compelling us to crowd the most possible into every day andhour. Industry is a perpetual call upon the judgment and the powerofquick decision; it makes ready and practical men.

  Industry is essential for that usefulness by whicheachmanmayfill his place in the world. The lazy, like the wicked,maybemadeuseful. The Spartans used to send a drunken slave through thecitythat the sight of his folly and degradationmightdisgustyoung menwith intemperance. He was made useful; he did not make himself useful.From this it will be seen that the necessity of labor is somethingatwhichweshouldratherrejoicethan complain, and that habits inindustryare the great helpers to virtur, happiness, and usefulness.

  Industry is now as important to the woman as to the man.Some yearsago,in an art store in Boston, a group of girls stood togethergazingintently upon a famous piece of statuary.The silence was broken by theremark, "Just to think that a woman did it." "It makes me proud, "saidanother. The famous statue was that of Zenohia, the product of HarriotHosmer, whose love of knowledge and devotion to art, gave the worldamaster-piecc.

  Work is difficult in proportion as the end to beattained is highand noble. The highest price is placed upon the greatestworth. Ifaman would reach the highest success he must pay the price. He mustbeself-made, or never made.

  Our greatest men have not been men of luck and broad-cloth, nor oflegacy and laziness, but menaccustomed tohardship; menwho foughttheir way to their own loaf.

  Sir Joshua Reynolds had the passion for work ofthe true artist.Until he laid aside his pencil from illness, at the age of sixty-six,he was constantly in his paintingroomfromtentillfour,daily,"laboring"as he himself said, "as hard as a mechanicworking forhisbread."

  Laziness is said to be one of the greatest dangers that besets theyouth of this country. Some young menshirkeverything that requireseffort or labor. Few people enfertain the idea that they are of no usein the world; or that they are ruining themselvesby their laziness.Yet lazy persons lose the powerofenjoyment. Theirlivesareallholiday, and they have no interval of leisure for relaxation. The lie-a-beds have never done anything in theworld. Eventssweeppastand leave them slumbering and helpless.

  Industry is one of the best antidotes to crime. As the old proverbhas it, "An ille brain is the devil's workshop," for by doingnothingwe learn to do ill.The man who done not work, and thinks himself aboveit,is to pitied as well as condemned. Nothing can be worse than activeignorance and indulged luxury. Self-indulgence sapsthefoundationof morals,destroysthe vigor of manhood, andbreedsevilstahtnothing but leath can blot out.

  Nooneisveryanxiousabout a young man while he is busy inuseful work. But where does he eat his lunch at noon? Where does he gowhenheleaveshisboardinghouseat night? What does he do aftersupper? Where does he spend his Sundays and holidays? The way uses hissparemements reveals his character. The great majority of youth whogo to thebad are ruined after supper. Most of those who climb upwardtohonorand fame devote their evenings to study or work, or to thesocietyofthe wise and good. The right use of these leisure hours,we wouldcordially recommend to every youth. Fach evening is a crisisin thecareerofa young man.

  Rome was a mighty nation while industry led her people, but whenhe great conquest of wealth and slaves placed her citizens above thenecessityoflabor, thatmoment her glory began to fade; vice andcorruption induced by idleness,doomed the proud city to an ignominiousoverthrow.

  There can be no doubt that idustry has been thebackboneoftheEnglishcharacter. By it her people have made their island respectedall over the habitable globe. By industryourownlandhascometobe recogized as the workshop of the world.

  It is rule in the imperial family of Germany thatevery youngman shall learn a trade, going through a regular apprenticeship tillheis able to do good journey-work. This is required because, in theeventof unforeseen changes, itisdeemednecessarytoamanlyindependencethat the heir apparent, or a prince of the blood, shouldbeconsciousof ability of making his own way in the world. This isan honorable custom , worthy of univer al imitiation. TheJewsalsowiselyheldthemaxim that every youth, whatever his positioninlife, shouldlearnsome trade.

  Franklin says, "He that hath a trade hath an estate." Work,howeverlooked down upon by people who cannot perform it,is an honorable thing; it may not be very profitable, but honorable it always is, and thereis nothing to be ashamed of about it. Themanwhohasreasoniobe ashamed is the one who does nothing, or is always on the lookingforan easy berth with good pay and no work. Let the youngman whoseconceit greatly exceeds his brains, be ashamed of his caneandkidgloves; but never let a man who works be ashamed of his hard hands.There is anold proverb which says, "Mere gentility sent to market,won't buy a peckof oats."

  A keen but well deserved rebuke was onceadministeredtoaSouthern student at Andover who had bought somewood, andwho thenwentto Professor Stuart to learn whom he could get to saw it. "I amoutofa job of that kind," said Mr. Stuart; "I will saw it myself".It is tobe hoped that the young man learnedthelessonwhichhisteacherthus sought to impress upon his mind.

  Cornelius Vanderbilt.

  "What is the secret ofsuccessinbusiness? "askeda friend ofCornelius Vanderbilt. "Secret! there is no secretaboutit," repliedthe commodore; "all you have to do is to attend to your business andgo ahead."

  If you would adopt Vanderbilt's method, know your business, attendto it, and keep down expenses until your fortune is safe from businessperils. Note the following incidents in his career: In the year 1806,when about twelve years of age, Cornelins was sent by hisfather, whowas removing the cargo from a vessel strandednearSandyHook, withthree wagons, six horses, and three men, to carrythecargoacrossa sandbar to the lighters.

  When the work was finished, he started, with but afewdollarsin his pocket, to travel a long distance home over the Jerseysands,and at Jength reached South Amboy. He was anxious to get histeamsferried over to Staten Is and,andasthemoneyathisdisposalwasnot sufficient for the purpose, he went to an innkeeper,explainedthe situation and said, "If you will put us across,I'llleave with youone of my horses in pawn, and if I don't send you backsixdollarswithin forty-eight hours you may keep the horse. " "I'lldoit, "saidthe innkeeper, as he looked into the bright honesteyesoftheboy. The horse was soon redeemed.

  In the spring of 1810, he applied to his mother for aloan of onehundred dollars with which to buyaboat, havingimbibed a strongliking for the sea. Her answer was, "My son, on the twenty- seventh ofthis month you will be sixteen years old. If, by that time,youwillplow, harrow, and plant with corn the eight acre lot,I willadvanceyou the money."The field was rough and stony, but the work was done intime, and well done. From this smallbeginningCorneliusVanderbiltlaid the foundation of a colossal fortune. Hewouldoftenworkallnight; and, as he was never absent from his post by day, hesoonhadthe best business in New York harbor.

  In 1813, when it was expected that New Yorkwould be attackedbyBritish ships, all the boatmen,except Cornelius, put in bids to conveyprovisions to the military posts around New York, namingextremelylow rates, as the contractor would be exemptedfrommilitaryduty."Why don't you send in a bid?"asked his father. "Of what use? "repliedyoung Vanderbilt;"they are offering to do the work at half price. Itcan'tbe done at such rates." "Well,"said his father,"It can do noharmtotry for it."So, to please his father, but with no hopeofsuccess, Cornelius made an offer fair to both sides, but did not gotoheartheaward.When his companions had all returned with longfaces, hewenttothe commissary's office and asked if the contracthad boen given. "Oh,yet ,"was the reply; "that business in settled.Cornelius Vanderbilt is the man. What?"he asked, seeing that the youthwas apparently thunderstruck," isit you?" "My name isCorneliusVanderbilt, "saidtheboatman. "Well," said the commissionary,"don'tyou know why wehavegiventhe contract to you? Why, it is becausewe want this business done,andwe know you'll do it."

  Here we see how character begetsconfidence,andhowcharaterrests upon industry as the house rests upon its foundation.

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