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卷七 五〇、节录《威尔逊训词》 |
(十二月九日) 美总统威尔逊氏昨莅国会行开会礼读训词,中有一节论国防,驳今日浮嚣之徒主张增军备之说,甚中肯要,录其一小节: We are at peace with all the world. No one who speaks counsel based on fact or drawn from a just and candid interpretation of realities can say that there is reason to fear that from any quarter our independence or the integrity of our territory is threatened. Dread of the power of any other nation we are incapable of. We are not jealous of rivalry in the fields of commerce or of any other peaceful achievement. We mean to live our lives as we will; but we mean also to let live. We are, indeed, a true friend to all the nations of the world, because we threaten none, covet the possessions of none, desire the overthrow of none. Our friendship can be accepted and is accepted without reservation, because it is offered in a spirit and for a purpose which no one need ever question or suspect. Therein lies our greatness. We are the champions of peace and of concord. And we should be very jealous of this distinction which we have sought to earn. Just now we should be particularly jealous of it, because it is our dearest present hope that this character and reputation may presently, in God's providence, bring us an opportunity such as has seldom been vouchsafed any nation, the opportunity to counsel and obtain peace in the world and reconciliation and a healing settlement of many a matter that has cooled and interrupted the friendship of nations. This is the time above all others when we should wish and resolve to keep our strength by self-possession, our influence by preserving our ancient principles of action. 〔中译〕 我们与世界和平共处。如果从实际出发,从公正无私的现实来考虑问题,就没有理由担心我们的独立和领土完整会受到来自地球某个地方的威胁。我们的力量不能够威胁他国,但我们并不妒忌我们的对手在贸易领域或其他和平竞赛的领域所取得的成就。我们决意按自己的意愿生活,也决意让别人按他们的意愿生活。我们确是世界各国真正的朋友,因为我们不威胁他人,不觊觎他人的财产,不图谋推翻任何人。我们的友谊能够被别人接受,毫无保留地接受。因为我们所希望的,那就是不要让任何人有一丝怀疑,也将这种友谊奉献出来。我们是世界和平的拥护者,我们不应该心怀妒忌,想去寻求这种荣誉。此刻我们特别地希望这种荣誉,因为这是我们目前最为迫切的希望。希望这种荣誉以上帝的旨意将带给我们一个机会,而这种机会是极少会去赐给任何国家的。这个机会就是在世界各国间进行调解,医治创伤,恢复各国间中断而冷却了的友谊,使世界重新恢复和平。在这个重要的时刻,我们决心沉着应战以增强我们的力量,维护我们一贯的行动准则以扩大我们的影响。 威氏亦今日不可多得之理想家也。其所持政治思想,可讲为西方文明最高之产儿。其人欲以道德为内政,以道德为外交,吾所谓“一致”者是也。其训词之结语尤有精彩,录之如下: I close, as I began, by reminding you of the great tasks and duties of peace which challenge our best powers and invite us to build what will last, the tasks to which we can address ourselves now and at all times with freehearted zest and with all the finest gifts of constructive wisdom we possess. To develop our life and our resources; to supply our own people, and the people of the world as their need arises, from the abundant plenty of our fields and our marts of trade; to enrich the commerce of our own States and of the world with the products of our mines, our farms, and our factories, with the creations of our thought and the fruits of our character,—this is what will hold our attention and our enthusiasm steadly, now and in the years to come, as we strive to show in our life as a nation what liberty and the inspirations of an emancipated spirit may do for man and for societies, for individuals, for states, and for mankind. 〔中译〕 就像我开始说过的,在结束之前,我要提醒诸位,伟大的任务与和平的责任要求我们付出最大的力量,召唤我们去建设持久的和平。我们现在以及将来都要为它付出我们火一样的热情,杰出的才能和创造的智慧。改善我们的生活,开发我们的资源,向丰茂的田野和贸易市场索取,供应我们的人民以及全世界的人民以满足他们日益增长的需求。以我们的矿山、农场和工厂的产品,以我们思想的结晶,以我们的才干造就的成果去丰富我国及全世界的贸易。现在以至将来,这些都将不断要求我们去注意并为之付出热情。我们力求在我们的生活中表现出来,作为一个国家,其自由和具有鼓舞性的精神解放将对社会、个人、国家以及人类作出伟大的贡献。 使世界各国之为政者皆若威尔逊然,则此空前之恶战决不致出现于二十世纪之中也。 美国今得威氏为主,辅以白来恩(Wm. J. Bryan,亦今日之理想家),故得逍遥局外,不与闻战事。若罗斯福在白宫,则国事未可知矣。 |
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