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致苏联遗书 |
(1925年3月11日) 苏维埃社会主义共和国大联合中央执行委员会亲爱的同志: 我在此身患不治之症。我的心念此时转向于你们,转向于我党及我国的将来。 你们是自由的共和国大联合之首领。此自由的共和国大联合,是不朽的列宁遗与被压迫民族的世界之真遗产。帝国主义下的难民,将借此以保卫其自由,从以古代奴役战争偏私为基础之国际制度中谋解放。 我遗下的是国民党。我希望国民党在完成其由帝国主义制度解放中国及其他被侵略国之历史的工作中,与你们合力共作。命运使我必须放下我未竟之业,移交与彼谨守国民党主义与教训而组织我真正同志之人。故我已嘱咐国民党进行民族革命运动之工作,俾中国可免帝国主义加诸中国的半殖民地状况之羁缚。为达到此项目的起见,我已命国民党长此继续与你们提携。我深信,你们政府亦必继续前此予我国之援助。 亲爱的同志,当此与你们诀别之际,我愿表示我热烈的希望,希望不久即将破晓,斯时苏联以良友及盟国而欣迎强盛独立之中国,两国在争世界被压迫民族自由之大战中,携手并进以取得胜利。 谨以兄弟之谊,祝你们平安! 孙逸仙(签名) 【注】 孙中山先生临终前十七天,即1925年2月24日,知道自己病已不治,预立了三份遗嘱,这三份遗嘱是《遗嘱》、《家事遗嘱》、和《致苏联遗书》。前两份遗嘱由孙中山口授,汪精卫笔录。 《致苏联遗书》则是由孙中山以英语口授,他的苏联顾问鲍罗廷等笔录。孙中山口授遗嘱时,在场的宋子文、孙科、孔祥熙、邵元冲、吴敬恒、戴恩赛、何香凝、邹鲁、戴季陶等人都作为证明人在遗嘱上签了字。 孙中山本来也要签字的,但是,因为听见宋庆龄在邻室悲泣,他不忍心让宋庆龄伤心,这天就没在遗嘱上签字。直到3月11日凌晨一时,他自知在世不久,才在遗嘱上补签上自己的名字。 孙中山先生晚年得到苏联的帮助,俄国革命的成功给他很大的鼓舞,他亲自制订了联俄联共扶助农工三大政策,强调“今后之革命非以俄为师断无成就。”孙中山临终前夕,再次把希望寄托于苏联,特地口授了《致苏联遗书》。 《苏联遗书》的原件保管在俄国国立社会政治史档案馆(简称РГАСПИ )。全文如下:〔打字稿,原件全部为大写字母打印。黑体字部分为钢笔手写体〕 Peking. China. To the Central Executive Committee of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: My dear Comrades, As I lie here, with a malady that is beyond men's skill, my thoughts turn to you and to the future of my party and my country. You are the head of a Union of free republics which is the real heritage that the immortal Lenin has left to the world of the oppressed peoples. Through this heritage, the victims of imperialism are destined to secure their freedom and deliverance from an international system whose foundations lie in ancient slaveries and wars and injustices. I am leaving behind me a party which I had hoped would be associated with you in the historic work of completely liberating China and other exploited countries from this imperialist system. Fate decrees that I must leave the task unfinished and pass it on to those who, by remaining true to the principles and teachings of the Party, will constitute my real followers. I have therefore enjoined the Kuomintang to carry on the work of the national revolutionary movement in order that China may be freed from the semi-colonial status which imperialism imposed upon her. To this end I have charged the party to keep in constant touch with you; and I look with confidence to the continuance of the support that your Government has here to fore extended to my party. In bidding farewell to you, dear comrades, I wish to express the fervent hope that the day may soon dawn when the U.S.S.R. will greet, as a friend and ally, a strong and independent China and that the two allies ma y together advance to victory in the great struggle for the liberation of the oppressed peoples of the world. With fraternal greetings. Sun Yat-sen Signed on March 11th, 1925 in the presence of: Tse Ven Soong 宋子文 Wang Ching Wei 汪精卫 何香凝 Sun Fo 孙科 Tai En Sai 戴恩赛 Tsou Lo 邹鲁 Hsiang Hsi K'ung孔庸之 |
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